This website is dedicated to Keith Milton Rhinehart
Spiritual Founder of Aquarian Foundation, Seattle, Washington, USA.
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Copyright and Trademark Notice. WARNING: Aquarian Foundation® at 315 15th Avenue East, Seattle, WA 98112 is the sole copyright holder and owner of all published and unpublished KEITH MILTON RHINEHART SACRED TEACHINGS®, which have come by and through the world’s most scientifically tested, researched, and documented, genuine physical phenomena adept medium Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart. Aquarian Foundation® is the sole owner of all the KEITH MILTON RHINEHART publicity rights and intellectual property.
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FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
Advertencia Antipirateria del FBI: La reproducción o distribución no autorizada de una obra protegida por derechos de autor es ilegal. La infracción criminal de los derechos de autor, incluyendo la infracción sin lucro monetario, es investigada por el FBI y es castigable con pena de hasta cinco años en prisión federal y una multa de $250,000.
Aquarian Foundation, Inc., is a registered IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization . Contributions received are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law in the USA. Aquarian Foundation, Church of Higher Spiritualism is the Church that Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart Founded in 1955. Today Aquarian Foundation has branches and study groups in the United States and Study Groups in South Africa, Brisbane Australia ,Vancouver BC Canada and in the UK.
Aquarian Foundation does not permit the publishing of its registered copyrighted published or unpublished Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings® and sacred writ on the internet. No-one has a license to use Aquarian Foundation materials, regardless what is said and what they claim. There is no final legal determination to that effect. There are no online classes featuring the teachings of Aquarian Foundation. The teachings of Aquarian Foundation are also known as the Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings® . These teachings are studied during in-person worship services and privates advanced development classes and meetings and only at bona fide Aquarian Foundation approved physical addresses. Please do not support online sites or persons that falsely claim or falsely imply a legitimateassociation with Aquarian Foundation®, Church of Higher Spiritualism ® of Seattle and the Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings®
Thank you!
Aquarian Foundation is very much in existence and conducts weekly services on Wednesdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 11 am. Special advanced classes are held for members in good standing on Sundays at 3pm and on Thursdays at 8 pm
No Aquarian Foundation is not associated with any online groups or third parties.. The bona fide websites of Aquarian Foundation are: :;; ; churchof;;
Unfortunately there are individuals masquerading as bone-fide organizations associated with Aquarian Foundation and Keith Milton Rhinehart. Please Be aware of Wolves in sheeps clothing.
In 1955, at the age of 19, Keith Milton Rhinehart spiritually founded Aquarian Foundation in Seattle, Washington. The Church functions as a world center of religious and philosophical thought. Today, the Aquarian Foundation has study centers in major cities on four continents. The Spiritual Teachings by and through Keith Milton Rhinehart's scientifically tested, researched and documented genuine physical phenomena adept mediumship is the permanent minister of Aquarian Foundation® of Seattle.
Find out more about the KEITH MILTON RHINEHART SACRED TEACHINGS® of Aquarian Foundation from Aquarian Foundation 315 15th Avenue East, Seattle, WA, USA 98112. All rights reserved.
Keith Milton Rhinehart was a dynamic speaker, teacher, and Spiritual Leader. He has been instrumental in giving all humanity an opportunity to experience unlimited divine love, peace on earth, wisdom and happiness.
Reverend Rhinehart demonstrated to his students the importance of learning how to think, as opposed to what to think! Reverend Rhinehart inspired his students to apply the true meaning and spirit of the Golden Rule and Matthew 22:37-39 in their daily lives.
Keith Milton Rhinehart was violently persecuted by some in the legal system, and harassed for years by the media and by a few people, who are still confined by the limits of their dogmas and by their hypocrisies. Regardless, it did not stop Rev. Rhinehart from being the champion for the civil rights of others! Rev. Rhinehart taught by example. He clearly demonstrated how vital it is to take a firm stand against injustice, corruption and bigotry, no matter the personal sacrifice.
"The height of stupidity is most clearly demonstrated by the individual who ridicules something he knows nothing about. " - Albert Einstein
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” - Albert Einstein
"Reverend Keith Milton Rhinehart is a multifaceted jewel, whose facets and surfaces are all shining and sparkling at once." JW
To try to encapsulate Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart's life and work on a small website is a daunting labor of love. Keith Milton Rhinehart's career as the world's most scientifically tested and researched genuine physical phenomena adept medium has been well documented. It is undisputed that Reverend Rhinehart co-operated with researchers in over 20 countries. Among the investigators, there have been police officers, military officers, a naval criminal investigator, a former Secret Service agent, magicians, authors, medical doctors, Ph.D.s, nurses, officers of scientific research organizations and officers of religious organizations. Keith Milton Rhinehart has been written about in many publications, namely: the prestigious New Scientist (October 16, 1969 pages 114/115, This Timeless Moment by Laura Huxley, Photographing the Spirit World by Cyrill Permutt, Parapsychology and the Nature of Life by John L. Randall, A Miracle in Egypt by Dr. Aly Rady Ph.D., Seattle's Psychic Wonder by author, Susy Smith, in issues of Psychic Observer and Psychic News, The Reader's Digest, Fate magazine and many others. Although publications like these document the authenticity and genuineness of Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart's Physical Phenomena Adept Mediumship, and give a sincere researcher or a skeptic a great deal of food for thought, we are not presenting this information to try to convince anyone of anything!
You are left to decide for yourself whether what is presented here is factually correct. But in all fairness, if one is going to pass judgment on any subject or on any person's life, one should take the time to investigate the subject matter before one can come to an educated and valid conclusion. Due diligence should be undertaken to thoroughly research the years of evidence presented in the History of Spiritualism, which supports research and scientific testing conducted by noteworthy researchers and investigators such as Sir Oliver Lodge, Dr. Charles Richet, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Baron von Schrenknotzing and other great minds. If one has properly educated oneself on the subject of Spiritualism, then the documented scientific evidence and facts presented in Rev. Rhinehart's career will be self-evident and startling, to say the least!
Some of the spiritual phenomena that manifested through Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart® included telekinesis, levitation, trumpet direct voice, apportation, full and partial materialization of spiritual communicators called the Real Ascended Masters, the changing of water into wine, the stigmata phenomena, the spiritual blessing of Sacred Objects, handling of red hot coals, dozens of languages spoken in perfect dialect, and other manifestations of God too numerous to mention here. Hundreds of people from many places throughout the world have been privileged to witness and experience the sacred communications and spiritual phenomena that have come through Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart's scientifically tested, documented and researched Physical Phenomena Adept Mediumship. It is important for the Truth Seeker to note that the spiritual phenomena demonstrated by Keith Milton Rhinehart were not demonstrated for the sake of phenomena alone, but rather to establish clearly the Divine Source of the Keith Milton Rhinehart® Sacred Teachings of Aquarian Foundation® Evidence, both scientific and of a spiritual nature, is the key by which students of the Teachings of Aquarian Foundation can establish a clear understanding of the source of these Spiritual Teachings and determine that the Spiritual Teachings by and through Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart's adept mediumship speak for themselves. Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart, a world-renowned Spiritual Teacher, and Leader compiled more evidence in support of the Spiritual Teachings coming through him (both scientifically and spiritually) than all other religions combined have compiled in support of their teachings.
The Spiritual Communicators, who came through Rev. Rhinehart's genuine and tested adept mediumship, permitted the Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings of Aquarian Foundation® to be recorded for posterity and is the permanent minister of Aquarian Foundation® of Seattle. The published and unpublished teachings by and through Keith Milton Rhinehart are the registered intellectual property owned by Aquarian Foundation® whose headquarters are at 315 15th Avenue East, Seattle, WA 98112 USA. Sincere students of Truth who find their way to Aquarian Foundation® of Seattle, are generally persons who are no longer interested in religions that breed fear, superstition, and theological nonsense, rather, they choose to study Truth which is based in physical evidence. These Truth seekers are willing to alter their beliefs and opinions in light of new evidence with which they are presented by and through the Aquarian Foundation®
"AFTER PHENOMENA THEN WHAT?" This is the title of a powerful spiritual lesson from the Keith Milton Rhinehart SACRED TEACHINGS. The body of lessons by and through Keith Milton Rhinehart is the permanent minister of Aquarian Foundation of Seattle.
The Old Truth From India:
The New Truth From KMR:
"TRUTH IS A MANY-FACETED JEWEL, ALL OF WHOSE SURFACES MUST BE SEEN AT ONCE. If we cannot, we must at least try to see them all at once.
He who sees with the single eye of GOD, catches the one, great beam of Light, created by the many sparkling facets as they come together on the surface of the jewel. He who sees with the many eyes of mankind, catches the many great beams of Light diffused by the entire gem. Let us both be GOD and MAN."
PLEASE NOTE The Journey, as is articulated in this section of the website, is but a very small part of what has transpired in Reverend Rhinehart's life over a 60 year period. To find out more about the amazing life of Reverend Rhinehart, visit the learning halls of Aquarian Foundation 315 15th Ave East, Seattle WA 98112, where Reverend Rhinehart's life work is alive and spiritually manifesting through those who have found their way to the practice of KARMA YOGA in Aquarian Foundation. Authorized Branches and Study groups of Aquarian Foundation® can be located by going to or by calling the Mother Church in Seattle, Washington, the USA at 206-324-6046. The KEITH MILTON RHINEHART SACRED TEACHINGS® OF AQUARIAN FOUNDATION are the permanent minister of Aquarian Foundation.
Please Note: No organization or individual has permission to use, upload, distribute, make copies of, store, publicly display, broadcast, transmit or make derivative works of the Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings®. A pseudo organization in Australia using the name Spiritualism Australia is not associated with Aquarian Foundation, Church of Higher Spiritualism®. Aquarian Foundation is litigating the theft and piracy of its intellectual property rights. Please do not support the piracy. Aquarian Foundation like other Churches teaches that theft is a moral and legal wrong.
You may study the Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings® of Aquarian Foundation by going to the Mother Church in Seattle or by going to authorized Branches and study groups of Aquarian Foundation. Published lesson titles may be available to acquire for a donation to Aquarian Foundation at 315 15th Avenue East, Seattle, WA 98112. Rev. Rhinehart and the Real Ascended Masters did not give permission for the teachings that came by and through Rev. Rhinehart to go online or be uploaded onto the world-wide web, and therefore Aquarian Foundation does not have online classes nor does Aquarian Foundation present its copyrighted published or its copyrighted confidential member-only unpublished intellectual property online. WARNING: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AQUARIAN FOUNDATION DOES NOT AUTHORIZE THE REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION, UPLOADING, STORING ON ANY DEVICE, OR DOWNLOADING OF KEITH MILTON RHINEHART SACRED TEACHINGS®, NOR DOES THE BOARD AUTHORIZE THE USE OF KEITH MILTON RHINEHART’S NAME FOR ANY NON-COMMERCIAL OR COMMERCIAL PURPOSE.
FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
Advertencia Antipirateria del FBI: La reproducción o distribución noautorizada de una obra protegida por derechos de autor es ilegal. La infracción criminal de los derechos de autor, incluyendo la infracción sin lucro monetario, es investigada por el FBI y es castigable con pena de hasta cinco años en prisión federal y una multa de $250,000.
And below is the generic enforcement warning language:
The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by federal law enforcement agencies and is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
The information presented in this website has been compiled from the research files in the Aquarian Foundation, court records, and various sources in Aquarian Foundation® available to the researcher. As time goes by, the website will be expanded as is necessary.
Over the years, Reverend Rhinehart inspired many people from all walks of life. People far and wide have been forever changed for the better by listening to the Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings® of Aquarian Foundation by and through Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart.
Many different types of people lectured at Aquarian Foundation over the years, namely:
Hal Styles, a TV Personality from Reseda, California; Swami Agehananda Bharati, a Hindu Abbot and teacher; Kahuna David K. 'Daddy" Bray from Hawaii, who became a member of Aquarian Foundation and remained a member until his death; Manly Palmer Hall - noted lecturer, writer and President of the Philosophical Research Society; Mir Bashir, a Sufi and an exponent of Oriental Palmistry who was from London but originally of Bombay, India; Dr. Wesley La Violette, American Composer, conductor, educator, poet and author, who was listed in Who's Who in America; Erol Sevil, from Istanbul, Turkey; Swami Chidananda, Vice Chancellor of Forest Vedanta University in Rishikesh, India; Gina Cerminara, PHD, Psychologist, Author and Lecturer; Trude Payer, an internationally known novelist from Austria; Merle Gould, a famous Hollywood producer; Dr. and Mrs Franklin Loehr of The Religious Research Foundation; Rev. Elizabeth Risinger and Oscar Risinger, graduates of Morris Pratt Institute; William Norton, former police officer in the Seattle Police Department; Lt. Commander Fred Jordan, USN, ret. and President of the International General Assembly of Spiritualists from Norfolk, Virginia, and others too numerous to mention here.
Compiling all the experiences, pieces of evidence, truths and reality of the life of Rev. Rhinehart is ongoing. Rev. Rhinehart did not have any progeny. (Side note: A self-confessed fraudulent medium in Washington State, USA falsely asserts that Rev. Rhinehart is his father. The records reflect that this self-confessed fraud's father’s name is Gary L. and his mother's Donna L. The researcher leaves out the last name of the fraud and the fraud’s parents purposely, so as not to embarrass the parents of the fraudster. The mother christened her son with the name Keith as a gesture to honor Rev. Rhinehart - What a blunder that turned out to be!)
Rev, Rhinehart is considered by his students to be the Avatar of the Aquarian Age and as such, they recognize him by his spiritual name of Master Kumara. As this researcher recognizes the frustration of a Spiritual Teacher who is trying to wake sleeping humanity, it is overwhelming to comprehend the full extent of Reverend Rhinehart's professional career as a Spiritual Teacher and World's most scientifically tested genuine Adept Medium.
Reverend Rhinehart's own words are succinct with regard to trying to wake the sleepy consciousness:
"What can I do? Dump tea into the Seattle or Honolulu Harbor?"
"How do you respond, when you don't know how to respond?"
"Character, merit and talent must distinguish the new order, not rank and not money!"
Even with the so many difficult experiences that Reverend Rhinehart confronted and mastered, through it all, the most profound statement, that this researcher sees Reverend Rhinehart making throughout his life is: "I Love You, God".
When Keith Milton Rhinehart graduated from high school, he had the opportunity for scholarships to four colleges. He chose instead to go to the University of Washington, where his major was Philosophy.
The name Keith Milton Rhinehart and Aquarian Foundation are synonymous and cannot be separated. The permanent minister of Aquarian Foundation is the Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings®. Reverend Rhinehart's journey as a world-renowned Spiritual Teacher and Spiritual Leader really begins as Aquarian Foundation® is founded. His unique body chemistry allowed for the Real Ascended Masters to have a clear instrument with which to work. Reverend Rhinehart's life and energy were dedicated to being a genuine and sincere instrument for Truth.
In the summer of 1955, the Spirit forces told Reverend Rhinehart that a group of World Masters, some in Spirit and some living in their physical bodies on the earth plane, wanted him to form a Church. Reverend Rhinehart was told that the Church would encompass truths found in all of the relatively new religions, such as Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy, Unity, Metaphysics, etc. The Spiritual Communicators, who are known as the Real Ascended Masters, personally contacted Reverend Rhinehart and gave him instructions on how to form the Church, which was to be known as Aquarian Foundation® - a World Center of Religion and Spiritual Study and Development.
These great servants of mankind - the Real Ascended Masters - opened the channel for Aquarian Foundation® of Seattle to begin its work in making available spiritual lessons in Universal Truth and to establish approved study centers of the Keith Milton Rhinehart® Spiritual Teachings of Aquarian Foundation in the USA and in the world.
On October 20, 1955, Aquarian Foundation of Seattle was incorporated under the state laws of Washington, and began functioning as a world center of religious and philosophical thought. Doctors, lawyers, scientists, policemen, educators, laymen and people of all ranks of life became convinced of the Keith Milton Rhinehart® Sacred Teachings and physical phenomena demonstrations. Almost 66 years later, the large majority of people who join the Church have not witnessed the Physical Phenomena demonstrated by Reverend Rhinehart, but they are convinced that the Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings® of Aquarian Foundation are of extreme importance. Not only do students of the Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings® of Aquarian Foundation derive spiritual benefits from practicing the principles espoused in these Teachings of Wisdom and Enlightenment, but they also recognize that the Keith Milton Rhinehart Sacred Teachings® are the real physical phenomena! Aquarian Foundation began as a center of Divine Peace and today, Aquarian Foundation still stands for peace for the individual and peace for all. Reverend Rhinehart taught his students that as each of us become a center of peace we begin to live for a great and good purpose. When we keep our thoughts tuned to the Christ /Buddhic Consciousness within ourselves and with every other person, we demonstrate perfect balance, perfect order, peace, and harmony. In this way, we are the microcosm affecting the macrocosm.
In 1957, the congregation of Aquarian Foundation gave Reverend Rhinehart a 21st birthday present of an all-expenses-paid tour of the world. The journey was undertaken by Reverend Rhinehart to further the cause of Spiritualism and to help usher in the Aquarian Age of Enlightenment. Reverend Rhinehart visited 40 countries over a seven month period! Reverend Rhinehart held Seances in over half the countries he visited, and in some instances, Reverend Rhinehart was the first American medium to demonstrate physical phenomena in a particular country. Audiences of thousands in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and in the Orient witnessed and heard Modern Spiritualism's phenomena and philosophy in the meetings held by Reverend Rhinehart. Reverend Rhinehart taught that it is not phenomena alone that is important but for what the phenomena stand. He lectured on the nature of Spiritualism from a scientific point of view, a philosophical and a religious point of view. Reverend Rhinehart taught that Spiritualism has a quality that is common to all people so that even if a person belongs to a particular religion, the person can still believe in the precepts of Spiritualism. The result of the 7-month journey was a huge success for Modern Spiritualism and for Aquarian Foundation®. People are still talking about his visit to Turkey.
In 1958, Reverend Rhinehart was scientifically tested by The Japan Psychic Science Association - The Physical Research Society of Japan. Among the researchers were Dr. Ando, a professor at Osaka University, Professor Iki Goto, DE famous atomic scientist in Japan, and Mr. Mikami, the leader of a large Japanese religious group. Seances were held in Tokyo, Kameeka (near Osaka) and in Kyoto. The Japanese language was successfully produced in Direct Voice through Reverend Rhinehart's mediumship. One scientific experiment took place at the NHK Television Studio, the foremost broadcasting and televising station of Japan and the largest television station in the world. The Seance was broadcast live. Reverend Rhinehart is the only medium whose phenomena passed the scrutiny of the infra-red motion picture equipment of the Japanese Scientists.
Reverend Rhinehart is the only Physical Phenomena Medium who passed tests of Dr. Aly Rady, PHD., and the Medical Research Staff from the Universities of Cairo, Egypt. See the book a Miracle in Egypt by Aly Rady Ph.D.
In 1959, in consideration for his outstanding contribution to Psychic Phenomena, to the cause of Spiritual Science, in consideration of the Dignity with which the Contributions were made, and the resulting enlightenment and upliftment afforded to those who witnessed the Psychic Manifestations, Rev. Rhinehart was awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity from The Church of the Good Neighbor, in Reseda, California.
By December of 1964, Reverend Rhinehart was on a second world tour this time accompanied by a motion picture cameraman. This time, the purpose of Reverend Rhinehart's world tour was to interview people from all over the world. These interviews were intended to bring out the personal opinions of the individuals reading Psychic Phenomena, Reincarnation, Spirit Communication, and other related subjects. The tour started in London and by April of 1965, Reverend Rhinehart had returned to Seattle ready to share his amazing interviews in a television series he contracted to have with a local television station. Some of the interviews Reverend Rhinehart had planned on presenting through the television series, called WAY OUT, were with regular people such as a coal miner to famous people such as Bertrand Russell - Nobel Prize winner; Lord Dowding, who was instrumental in winning the Battle of Britain; Margaret Mead - famous anthropologist; Agnes Moorhead - actress; Madalyn Murray - Founder of the American Atheists and many others.
When Reverend Rhinehart came back from his second world tour, he and the Aquarian Foundation Board of Directors contracted with a local television station to broadcast a 13 part series called WAY OUT. In the first and only episode that was broadcast live, Reverend Rhinehart interviewed an openly homosexual male, a mixed-race couple and an unwed mother. Unfortunately, the television station managers succumbed to the political pressures of the time and they canceled the contract the television station had with Reverend Rhinehart and Aquarian Foundation and refused to broadcast the remainder of the 12 episodes, which led to a lengthy court battle. Incidentally, one week after the 1st episode of the WAY OUT series was broadcast, the Seattle police arrested Reverend Rhinehart on a false and trumped-up charge, of allegedly violating The Morals Act statute.
Unfortunately, an accurate account of what transpired leading up to and subsequent to Reverend Rhinehart's false arrest has not been the focus of the media or other individuals rehashing the alleged details of Reverend Rhinehart's life. It appears to this researcher, that the facts surrounding Reverend Rhinehart's false arrest, false conviction and false imprisonment and subsequent court order vacating Reverend Rhinehart's conviction and sentence and dismissal of the charges against Reverend Rhinehart with prejudice against the State of Washington, have been intentionally skewed for purposes only known to those who take delight in hurting innocent people or causes.
In 1966, Reverend Rhinehart was invited to attend and participate at the International Schweitzer Convocation at Aspen Humanities Institute of Aspen, Colorado. Dr. Schweitzer, before his transition into the spirit world, had corresponded through his secretary, Miss Erica Anderson, with Rev. Rhinehart and had expressed appreciation of Reverend Rhinehart principles.
In 1967, Dr. Helmut Schmidt, a senior research physicist, invented a device for testing Quantum Theory in relation to humans having the psychic ability to predict the future. Dr. Schmidt asked Rev. Rhinehart to participate in these tests, which were held in a Scientific Research Laboratory where Dr. Schmidt worked in Seattle, Washington. Reverend Rhinehart scored way above the statistical expectation. The probability of obtaining, by chance, so high a score is less than one in 500 million!
The following information can easily be corroborated with court records and other records, and so the information is presented without the names of various individuals involved.
Reverend Rhinehart had become well known for his dedicated work in social reform, especially with minority groups and the oppressed. He worked for many years for marriage rights for monogamy oriented homosexuals, in order to help increase the number of lasting, meaningful relationships in the homosexual community. Reverend Rhinehart was first in the State of Washington courageous enough to bring these kinds of views on live television. His work for the homosexual community and other minority groups and the related problems was not popular with certain public officials. The ingrained bigotry and hypocrisy of the time were openly being challenged by Reverend Rhinehart. In addition, Reverend Rhinehart brought unwanted public attention to particular problems he saw with regard to corrupt police activity in the homosexual clubs and bars in Seattle. At the time, Reverend Rhinehart was particularly critical of the King County Sheriff *. After Reverend Rhinehart witnessed the corruption, hypocrisy, and bigotry taking place, he and others documented their evidence and made the citizens of King County aware of the corruption.
Certain public officials in King County at the time did not appreciate Reverend Rhinehart exposing the bigotry and hypocrisy and corruption rampant in the legal system at the time. It is apparent to this researcher, regarding the recorded events that follow, that various persons in power made decisions to silence Reverend Rhinehart. Reverend Rhinehart was an outspoken critic of the shenanigans taking place in King County and he was clearly gaining strength as a civil rights activist and renowned and respected minister. A trumped-up charge was devised, and soon Reverend Rhinehart was falsely accused by the State of Washington for an alleged act of private consensual oral sodomy; the false accusation was made by JM, a known miscreant who was forced by the police to give perjured testimony by affidavit. It is interesting to note that at the time of JM signing his initial police coerced affidavit, JM was already in police custody on another charge, which was completely unrelated to Reverend Rhinehart. JM later signed a sworn affidavit which stated that he had been under threat of a long prison sentence if he did not co-operate with the police to sign his initial affidavit to falsely implicate Rev. Rhinehart in alleged volition of the Morals Act. The level of corruption in King County in the late 60s appears to have been widespread within the police department, the King County Sheriff's Office and in the Washington State Correctional System. It is also important to note, that the history of the disposition and handling of all sodomy cases in the 4 years prior to Reverend Rhinehart's arrest, proves irrefutably that the prosecutor's office was not enforcing the Morals Act statute * (Interestingly, the former Sheriff was somehow commissioned to serve as a member of the parole board which had jurisdiction over Reverend Rhinehart. (I leave it to the reader to determine what to make of this fact. ) On further research, the records reflected that the same former King County Sheriff was eventually indicted by Federal Court for committing perjury before a grand jury. The grand jury was investigating corruption in the Seattle Police Department and King County's Sheriff's office. The corruption involved soliciting and obtaining payoffs from various establishments including homosexual or gay bars.)
During his false imprisonment, Reverend Rhinehart was subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment, namely:
These appalling violations against Reverend Rhinehart's constitutional, civil and contractual rights, led to lengthy court battles, and even more persecution and harassment from the establishment press and media.
Reverend Rhinehart appealed his conviction to the US District Court, and only after all the judges from the Seattle area had disqualified themselves due to the bias and controversy created in Reverend Rhinehart's case at the time, an outside Federal Judge, The Honorable Willian P. Gray, was called in to hear the appeal. After a very lengthy evidentiary hearing, the US Federal District Court reversed Reverend Rhinehart's conviction on the grounds that the state of Washington had knowingly used perjured testimony and had knowingly withheld and suppressed evidence that would prove Reverend Rhinehart's innocence!
APRIL 20, 1972
After a very difficult emotionally wrenching and agonizingly physical and financially draining battle to fight the false conviction and false charges against him, on April 20, 1972, Reverend Rhinehart was victorious. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County, State of Washington vs. Keith Milton Rhinehart, in Order No: 42591: The conviction and sentence of Keith Milton Rhinehart was vacated and the charges against Keith Milton Rhinehart were dismissed with prejudice against the State of Washington
This means. in lay terms, that Keith Milton Rhinehart was innocent of the false charges brought against him. (There is a major distinction in being found not guilty and being found innocent!) Reverend Rhinehart should never have been charged with any alleged criminal activity in the first place! There was misconduct on the part of the State of Washington when the State knowingly, falsely and wrongly convicted Reverend Rhinehart. When Reverend Rhinehart tried to sue the State of Washington for damages and for false imprisonment, he was denied the right to sue the State. The reason given to Reverend Rhinehart was that the State did not give its permission to be sued!
It is also important to note that even though Reverend Rhinehart continued to be severely persecuted and harassed by the media and others for being a strong civil rights advocate and for daring to be different, he did not stop promoting or teaching about civil rights for all people, regardless of the person's sexual orientation, religious affiliation, color of skin or status in society.
October 31-November 7, 1975,
An International Spiritual Convention was held in Seattle, Washington, USA, at the Olympic Hotel.
About 500 delegates attended the Spiritual convention from about 20 countries. Different kinds of physical phenomena occurred during the week and the phenomena were witnessed by the delegates. Before the seances took place, Reverend Rhinehart was searched internally and externally by police officers, then the Holy of Holies, also known as the Seance Cabinet - a small curtained enclosure in which the medium sits ( also known as the Veil in the Holy Bible), was thoroughly searched by two police officers and then guarded by the two police officers, who then stood behind the Holy of Holies. Photographs were taken during the Seances, which were held in either ordinary white light or by the light of 12 40-watt red lamps. At no time was the Seance Room blacked out. You can see some of the photographs of the amazing event on pages 171,172 and 173 in the book, Photographing the Spirit World by Cyril Permutt. If you would like to order a copy of Photographing the Spirit World, you can write or email Aquarian Foundation® 315 15th Avenue East, Seattle, WA 98112 USA email:
Shortly after the Spiritual Convention in 1975, under the guidance of Reverend Rhinehart and the Real Ascended Masters, devoted students and members of the Aquarian Foundation dedicated themselves to establish new Branches of Aquarian Foundation® in New York, New York, Hollywood, California, San Francisco California, Portland, Oregon, Miami Beach, Florida, and Dallas, Texas. Today, there are more than 22 Aquarian Foundation® locations worldwide. To see if there is a location near you, you can go online at You will also find information on the genuine scientifically tested adept mediumship of Keith Milton Rhinehart and you will find where you can attend an authentic and approved Aquarian Foundation Branch or Study group that Reverend Rhinehart established.
By the 1980s Reverend Rhinehart had visited over forty countries and had been tested in over twenty of those countries.
Reverend Rhinehart continued to give Seances and brought through the amazing Sacred Teachings that are studied in the learning halls of Aquarian Foundation® today are the Keith Milton Rhinehart® Sacred Teachings.
Unfortunately, during this time, due to several death threats, Reverend Rhinehart had to go underground and therefore had to limit his physical public appearances. Reverend Rhinehart did not let anything deter his mission to bring healing and wisdom to our world and so the 1980s were filled with purpose.
In mid-1987, Reverend Rhinehart toured Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Tahiti and Papua, New Guinea. Remarkable and thought-provoking private and confidential Sacred Teachings and Seances were given through Reverend Rhinehart on these remarkable and exciting trips.
On his trip to Australia, Reverend Rhinehart heard about an advertised UFO exhibit in the prestigious Sydney Tower in Sidney. It was touted as being the largest and most comprehensive and longest-running UFO exhibit known. Intrigued by the advertising, Reverend Rhinehart made inquiries as to whether the owner would be willing to take the UFO exhibit to the United States. Instead, Reverend Rhinehart was told that the owner was dismantling the exhibit and the exhibit pieces would be put into storage. Reverend Rhinehart made a deal with the owner of the UFO exhibit and was able to purchase the exhibit pieces and all the rights to the exhibit pieces for pennies on the dollar. The exhibit was shipped to Honolulu, Hawaii and after many discussions with the Aquarian Foundation Board of Directors, Reverend Rhinehart donated the UFO exhibit pieces to Aquarian Foundation®. Finally, on October 20, 2010, during a successful Ohana Spiritual Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii, a compilation of the UFO exhibit that had originally been on display in the Sydney Tower in Sydney, Australia, was showcased in the Honolulu Branch of Aquarian Foundation®. Today, a good part of the exhibit is still on display in the Honolulu Branch of Aquarian Foundation®. When you are in Honolulu, Hawaii, take the time to visit this remarkable piece of history.
During the latter part of the 1980s, Reverend Rhinehart heard about and then toured a now-defunct Crystal Quartz mine in Arkansas. After hearing about the history of Quartz Crystal and seeing the beauty of Crystal Quartz in its natural state, Reverend Rhinehart® purchased, and then donated a large collection of huge Crystal Quartz Boulders and Quartz Crystal Clusters and Crystal Points to Aquarian Foundation® Branches and Study Groups. These beautiful and powerfully Spiritually Blessed mineral specimens are on display in most Branches and Study Groups of Aquarian Foundation® today. The Spiritual Blessing associated with this incredible work of nature is for Spiritual Healing of all types. Members of Aquarian Foundation® and visitors alike enjoy receiving a powerful Spiritual Healing in front of the Crystal Quartz Boulders on Wednesday Night Spiritual Healing Services in Aquarian Foundation®. Many of the Crystal Boulders are over 500 pounds in weight. Visitors are in awe as to the size and beauty and variety of these beautiful Quarts Crystal Boulders on display in the various Branches and Study groups of Aquarian Foundation. Some of the smaller crystal clusters and crystal points may be still available to acquire to add to your collection.
Reverend Rhinehart also had an opportunity to purchase a well known Spiritualist publication founded and run by dedicated Spiritualists. In the 1980"s the publication, Psychic Observer®, and Chimes® Journal was owned by Henry and Diane Nagorka. The Nagorka's had stopped publishing the Journal by about mid-1980s and the remnants of the publication were being kept in storage in the Nagorka's garage. After acquiring all the inventory and all publishing rights to the Psychic Observer® and Chimes® Journals, Reverend Rhinehart donated the publication, the inventory and all the publishing rights of Journals to Aquarian Foundation®, with the hope that the Journal would once again be a great American Spiritualist publication. By 2006, the Psychic Observer® and Chimes® Journal was up and running. Today, in 2024, the Psychic Observer® and Chimes® Journal is still being published in-house and should expand shortly to include an online version of the publication. The names Psychic Observer® and Chimes® are registered trademarks belonging to Aquarian Foundation®. Aquarian Foundation® in Seattle may have current and past issues available of the Psychic Observer® and Chimes® Journal, in addition to other interesting books that were originally published by Psychic Observer Press.
For more information: email:
Entranced Rev. Rhinehart's having his blood withdrawn by a medical doctor and registered nurse. The purpose of this test is to record the changes that take place in the blood when the medium is entranced. The blood test shows extraordinary results.
Entranced Rev. Rhinehart demonstrating Apportation phenomena.
Entranced Keith Milton Rhinehart in the Holy of Holies shown with several trumpets levitating above him.
Entranced Keith Milton Rhinehart in the Holy of Holies showing ectoplasm flowing out of his mouth and starting to cover his body.
Apportation phenomena through Entranced Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart in Mexico City in April of 1988
Rev. Rhinehart produced amazing physical phenomena after having being searched by medical doctors, and then strapped and tied with wire to the famous "fraud proof" chair invented by Dr. Ando, PhD., of the University of Osaka in Japan. This physical phenomena was filmed and broadcast on Japanese Television.
Dr. Helmut Schmidt, PhD., on a secret project for Boeing Aircraft Industries of Seattle, researched Reverend Rhinehart and made the following comments in the British equivalent of "The Scientific American," The New Scientist." ...Keith significant scores. In fact, the probability of obtaining such high scores by chance was less that one in 500 million."
Dr. Moshe Baharav, PhD.,PsD.,FrV., President of Sodom Salt Mines, American Israel Salt Corporation, Israel Mineral and Medical corporation, and the United Israel Brotherhood Lodges, wrote: "Rev. Rhinehart is the World's greatest medium."
Dr. Aly Rady, PhD., of Cairo, Egypt called Rev. Rhinehart " A modern miracle in Egypt." Dr. Rady authored the book 'A Miracle in Egypt," where you can read about Rev. Rhinehart's demonstration of physical phenomena when he visited to Egypt.
Laura Huxley, wife of Aldous Huxley, in the book " This Timeless Moment," writes that, in a Seance, Keith produced evidence from the spirit of Aldous, outside the conscious or conscious knowledge of any one person on earth, including Aldous, when he was alive in the physical." Read about the irrefutable proof through Reverend Rhinehart's mediumship of Aldous Huxley survival of bodily death in the book, "This Timeless Moment".
Reporter Phillip Paul of London wrote that Rev. Rhinehart was "gentle in manner, yet with an undercurrent of authority" "gave unusual names in "full" and "produced a new brightness that has spanned the Atlantic, with his unusual evidence"
Neil MacFarlane, graduate in Physics and Mathematics from MIT, Seattle University, etc., and professor at the American School at Rome, Italy, wrote that Rev. Rhinehart has been able to bring back the personality, consciousness and soul of Albert Einstein through physical phenomena. Mr. McFarlane obtained such outstanding personal proof that he became a member of Aquarian Foundation. He later became a member of the Board of Directors of Aquarian Foundation and headed the Scientific Research Committee of the Aquarian Foundation until he passed into spirit.
One of the many classic cases of absolute, outstanding and proven survival, through Rev. Rhinehart's tested mediumship, is taken from the Scientific Research files in Aquarian Foundation, is the case of Mrs. Hazel Clark of Everett, Washington. Mrs. Clark was told exactly where the dead body of her mother, Phoebe, would be found. Hazel Clark had never met Reverend Rhinehart, was not a Spiritualist, and had never been to Aquarian Foundation before; yet she was told in front of many witnesses, where her mother's body was. Mrs. Clark's mother had disappeared a few days before and Mrs. Clark was trying to find out what had happened to her mother. Mrs. Clark was told that her mother had stumbled down a river bank and had drowned.
Former Police Officer and detective, Ralph Mitchell and his wife, testified that they watched several beautiful white gemstones slowly appear before their eyes in the light; starting as pin-points of light and finally resulting in large, solid physical gemstones. The phenomena occurred on the floor, several feet away from Reverend Rhinehart.
Seattle Police Officer AE, signed a statement that he witnessed amazing phenomena under strict test condition at a KMR Seance which was held at a private home, the location of which was unknown to Rev. Rhinehart ahead of time. The police officer's wife received a message in writing from her "dead" grandfather, in old style Japanese script.
Article by Dr. Enid Smith PhD., in the 1958 "Chimes" magazine.
"On August 30, 1957, I was part of a small group of investigators at three consecutive test seances that had lasted some four and a half hours and which were devoted to demonstrations of mental and physical mediumship of Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart.
"There was direct voice, telekinesis, apportation, billet reading, levitation, handling of red hot coals, elongation of the body, reading of ESP cards, materialization, and levitation of the trumpet in the light...
"We saw the cabinet built and the seance room prepared. The men present took the medium away, stripped him to the skin and examined him. When he was brought back, both his arms and legs were tied with heavy rope to the large, heavy chair in which he sat inside the small cabinet. He took a mouthful of water to be held during the hours of the Seance, and expelled later. Adhesive tape, some two or three inches wide, was stretched across his water-filled mouth, over his cheeks, and marked where it touched the skin, then initialed. Flour was scattered over the floor, after the eight sitters had taken their places...
"A very interesting part of the message work was the speaking of many of the (spirit) communicants in foreign languages. I recognized several different tongues, such as French, German, Spanish, Swedish and Italian. The purpose of using these languages was to show that they (spirit communicators) had not forgotten, and also to demonstrate that they were not "astral shells" floating around the room as many of our Theosophical friends might have called them. The presence in this Seance room of Madame Blavatsky, a former Theosophist, proved the fallacy of such an idea...
"The cabinet guide, Susan, talked freely all through the Seance, explaining different things as they occurred. She remarked that most people think that the hands of Spirits are cold and clammy. She remarked that they could be either cold or warm and gave me an illustration. First, a very strong, powerful, extra-large warm hand materialized, grasped and squeezed my left hand.... The next hand that clasped mine was cool, smaller and damp, and did not grasp so severely. I was touched on the face, arms, and legs from time to time...
"One of the special marvels of Keith Rhinehart's mediumship is the superior quality of the discarnate cosmopolitan group of works, mediums and pioneers of Spiritualism that he gathers about him, many of them his personal helpers. They include such persons as Dr. Richard Hodgson, DD Home, Eusapio Paladino Madame Blavatsky, Conan Doyle, Mary Baker Eddy, Stuart Edward White, Katie King and others...
"Then to one present came Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the Russian Theosophical writer and founder of the Theosophical Society. Questions were asked pertaining other textbook, "Isis Unveiled." There was a brief discussion of the meaning of "14" and a mention of different planes. Fourteen being the double of seven, the significance of seven in its diversified rhythms in the universe was mentioned. Blavatsky's voice was strong and deep in contrast to the other female voices. She came to vindicate herself regarding what she had said in her writings against Spiritualism, also to prove she was not an "astral shell" as Theosophists would call her.
"Astral shells are not in the habit of discussing intricate problems when they return.... She said she was willing for any questions to be asked...
"She continued to say that if Spiritualism was as it had been in the days of Rev. Stanton Moses and other of our pioneers, it would serve the public, but that alas, it had not kept up its standards. Spirit return was certainly true, and she was exemplifying it at the moment by her return. She conceded by saying that Spiritualism should not lose itself in phenomena and forget its greater purpose, contained in its philosophy...
"Sir Arthur Conan Doyle came in his typical voice and talked briefly with us. It will be remembered that this great novelist, with the great scientist, Sir Oliver Lodge, is said to have converted more people to Spiritualism than any other two persons in the world... He ended his communication by saying, "Give my love to my people across the ocean."
"Susan, the cabinet guide, then brought through Mary Baker Eddy. Mrs Eddy explained that she had come to apologize for her chapter in "Science and Health" which was against Spiritualism. She went on to say that she had not written against true Spiritualism, but the degraded type of Spiritualism she saw all about her in her time. One of the sitters present asked if she were not a Spiritualist medium at one time. She admitted she had been and had stayed with the movement until Spiritualism ran down where messages were degraded into fortune telling and mediums often commercialized and fake; it was then that she ceased practicing her mediumship, and gave herself to Christian Science....
"At the end of the Seance there was a ten minute intermission. The medium was untied, the adhesive tape was removed after all was examined and found satisfactory. The mouthful of water was spit out in a glass. The flour on the floor had no foot prints upon it."
You get to decide if you want to believe the internet trolls that have tried to diminish and destroy the reputation and life work of the worlds most scientifically tested genuine physical phenomena adept medium, or if you want to think for your self and draw your own conclusions after you have researched the subject matter thoroughly. Peace!
For questions please call 206-324-6046
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